Ewe-nique Knits

Learn to Weave

$ 90.00

1 in stock.

Pre-requisite: None

Course Overview: Learn the basics of weaving on a rigid heddle loom in a rigorous workshop just in time to wear your own handwoven scarf this fall. A scarf project will get you started with planning, warping your loom and learning how to weave using a stick shuttle. The scarf will measure approximately 7”x 60”. You may select any worsted weight for your project from our wide range of fibers and blends.

Together, the student and instructor will discuss basic weave structure, common problems and learn solutions and remove fabric from the loom if time permits. Discussion and demonstration of finishing your woven fabric, adding fringe and twisted fringe.

*Note: Please bring your own nutrition for lunch and snacks

Supplies: Bring your own Rigid Heddle Schacht Cricket or Flip Loom with your own reed, warping peg, scissors, threading hook, shuttle, loom clamps or stand. (other Rigid Heddle Loom must be approved by instructor in advance prior to registration)


  • Yarn Suggestions for worsted weight warp and weft in 2 colors using an 8-dent reed