Learn something new

We love sharing our passion of fibers. We offer an array of classes from techniques to social circles.

As a reminder ~ Yarn for any class should be purchased from our store (it's how we stay in business ;) )


KNITTING CIRCLEScharged monthly based on the number of weeks in the month;  3 weeks - $45, 4 weeks - $60, 5 weeks - $75

Tuesday 10-12pm, 1-3pm, 6-8pm

Wednesday 1-3pm 

*call for availability

Drop in class with no commitment ~ $16/session

Wednesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays 10-12pm 

(12 student limit)


 class information here..



Let's talk Policy & Details..

PARKING - Parking available on the street in metered parking or in the parking structure, directly across the street.

MAKE UPS - Missed classes from Knitting Circles can be made up on the following Thursday or Saturday, during our drop-in sessions. Missed classes must be made up within 2 weeks of your missed class.

REGISTRATION - Call, online for some classes or stop in to the shop to register.

MATERIALS - Yarn for all education classes must be purchased at our store. We have a large store with an awesome selection & I'm sure we can find something for you.

CANCELLATION & REFUNDS - We'll gladly refund for any class cancelled at least two weeks prior to the beginning of class.

ILLNESS - If you are sick, suspect illness or don't feel well, please don't come to class.  We can ALL relate & everyone is sensitive.  If you are coughing from a 'cold', please stay home. If you contract COVID-19 and have been to class either 2 days prior to showing symptoms or testing positive, please notify us.